
소프트웨어 개발자의 생산성을 측정하는 방법



기고 | 소프트웨어 개발자의 생산성을 측정하는 방법

소프트웨어 개발자의 효율성을 측정하는 것은 수십 년 동안 불가능한 것으로 여겨졌다. 두 명의 맥킨지 컨설턴트는 개발자가 개발자의 생산성을 측정할


소프트웨어 개발자의 효율성을 측정하는 것은 수십 년 동안 불가능한 것으로 여겨졌다. 두 명의 맥킨지 컨설턴트는 개발자가 개발자의 생산성을 측정할 수 있는 방법을 소개한다.

우리는 다양한 산업 분야의 많은 기업과 협력한 결과, 소프트웨어 개발자의 생산성을 측정할 수 있는 방법을 찾았다. 3년 전, 맥킨지는 440곳 대기업의 개발자 속도를 분석했다. 그 결과 소프트웨어 개발자의 성과와 회사의 성공 사이에는 분명한 상관관계가 있다는 사실이 밝혀졌다. 이는 IT 기업뿐만 아니라 다른 분야에도 적용된다. 전 세계 소프트웨어 엔지니어의 약 절반이 IT 산업이 아닌 다른 산업군에서 일한다.

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현재 전 세계적으로 약 2,700만 명의 개발자가 있으며, 440만 명이 미국에 있다. 미국 노동통계국은 2021년부터 2031년까지 이 숫자가 25% 더 증가할 것으로 예측하고 있다. 생성형 AI의 급격한 확산을 고려하면, 개발자 수요는 훨씬 더 커질 것이다.

성과와 직결되는 개발자 생산성

이런 조사 결과를 종합하면, 관리자는 소프트웨어 개발 인재를 가장 잘 활용할 수 있는 방법을 정확히 알아야 한다는 결론에 도달할 수 있다. 오늘날의 소프트웨어 개발은 창의적인 과정일 뿐만 아니라 협업 과정이기도 하므로 이는 쉽지 않은 일이다. 노력과 수익 간의 합리적인 관계를 보장하는 것은 결코 쉬운 일이 아니다. 이미 많은 기업이 시스템, 팀, 개인의 생산성을 측정하는 데 실패했다.

배치 빈도와 같은 알려진 지표는 팀의 생산성을 추적하는 데 도움이 될 수 있지만, 개인의 생산성을 추적하는 데는 도움이 되지 않는다. 하지만 우리는 개발자의 생산성을 측정하는 일이 가능하다고 생각한다. 특히 맥킨지는 이미 이 작업을 수행하고 있는 20여 곳의 IT, 금융 및 제약 회사와 협력하고 있다. 아직 100% 신뢰할 수 있는 결과는 얻은 것은 아니지만, 유망한 결과이다. 맥킨지의 계산에 따르면, 이들 기업은 개발자의 생산성을 측정하고 개선해 오류율을 평균 20~30% 줄이고 고객 만족도를 60%까지 높일 수 있었다.

개발자의 생산성을 측정하는 방법

우선, 구글과 마이크로소프트에서 개발한 두 가지 지표, 즉 소프트웨어 배치 처리량과 안정성을 측정하는 DORA(DevOps Research and Assessment)와 개발자의 개별 생산성을 측정, 이해 및 개선하기 위해 설계된 프레임워크인 SPACE(Satisfaction, Performance, Activity, Communication/Collaboration and Efficiency)를 활용한다. 맥킨지는 이들 지표를 다음과 같은 네 가지 '기회 지향 지표'로 보완했다.

내부 루프 및 외부 루프에 소요된 시간. 내부 루프는 코딩, 빌드, 단위 테스트 등 소프트웨어 제품 개발과 직접 관련된 활동을 포함한다. 외부 루프는 코드를 프로덕션 환경으로 이전하는 것과 관련된 활동으로, 통합, 테스트, 릴리스, 배치 등을 말한다. 개발자가 내부 루프에 더 많은 시간을 할애할수록 생산성이 높아지는데, 상위 기업의 경우 이 비율이 70%에 달한다.

개발자 속도 지수(Developer Velocity Index, DVI) 벤치마킹. 사내 프랙티스를 다른 회사 또는 경쟁사의 프랙티스와 비교함으로써 개선해야 할 영역을 파악할 수 있다. 백로그 관리, 테스트 또는 보안 및 규정 준수 등이 이에 해당한다.

개발자 기여도 분석. 팀이 백로그에 어떤 기여를 하고 있는지 평가한다. 백로그 관리를 측정하는 지라(Jira) 같은 툴을 사용해 성과 향상을 방해하는 부정적인 흐름을 파악할 수 있다. 작업 환경을 개선하고 자동화 수준을 높이거나 팀원 개개인의 기술을 최적화할 방법을 보여줄 수도 있다. 예를 들어, 한 회사는 자사의 최고 개발자들이 코딩 이외의 활동에 너무 많은 시간을 소비하고 있다는 사실을 깨달았고, 모든 개발자가 자신이 가장 잘하는 일에 집중할 수 있도록 운영 모델을 변경했다.

인재 관리. 인재 관리의 목표는 직원들이 각자의 재능과 선호도에 따라 배치하는 것이다. 업계 표준 역량 맵을 사용해 조직의 기존 지식, 기술 및 능력을 가시화할 수 있는 점수를 만들 수 있다. 이를 통해 격차와 약점을 파악할 수 있다. 예를 들어, 한 고객사는 경험이 부족한 개발자를 너무 많이 고용하고 있다는 사실을 깨달았다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해 맞춤형 학습 프로그램을 제공했고, 개발자의 30%가 6개월 이내에 다음 단계의 역량에 도달했다.

이런 접근법은 DORA 및 SPACE와 함께 소프트웨어 생산성에 대한 차별화된 관점을 가능하게 한다. 또한 개발자에게 동기를 부여할 수 있는 방법, 적절한 툴와 전문 지식을 보유하고 있는지, 시간을 어떻게 사용하는지, 팀 구성이 최적화된 상태인지 등을 파악할 수 있다.

성공의 증거는 없지만 명확한 지표

개발자 생산성 측정은 여전히 논란의 여지가 있는 주제이며, 많은 전문가가 우리의 시도를 부정적으로 생각한다는 것도 알고 있다. 하지만 맥킨지와 긴밀하게 협력하는 20개 기업은 이에 동의하지 않는다. 우리는 소프트웨어 개발이 측정이 불가능할 정도로 복잡하고 신비롭다고 생각하지 않는다. 오히려 업데이트를 코딩하고 구현할 때 생성형 AI 도구를 사용하면 얼마나 개선되는지 꽤 잘 예측할 수 있다.

여기서 설명한 개발자 생산성 측정 시스템은 아직 완벽하지 않다. 우리는 개선해야 할 부분에 대한 건설적인 비판을 언제나 환영한다. 하지만 소프트웨어 개발의 중요성이 날로 커지고 인재 확보 경쟁이 치열해지는 상황에서 복잡하다고 미뤄두기에는 너무나 중요한 주제이다.


[PYTHON] 흐름대로 프로그래밍하는 Flowgorithm



플로고리듬(Flowgorithm)은 프로그램의 구조를 시각적으로 나타내는 흐름도(flowchart)를 작성하는 도구이자, 그 자체로 프로그래밍 언어입니다. 플로고리듬으로 흐름도만 작성하면 다른 프로그래밍 언어로 코딩하는 과정 없이 곧바로 실행 결과를 볼 수 있으며, 의사코드(pseudocode) 및 각종 프로그래밍 언어 코드를 자동으로 생성할 수도 있습니다.

플로고리듬으로 아주 간단한 hello world 예제부터 시작해 점차 복잡한 알고리듬을 구현(!)해봄으로써, 순수한 재미도 느껴보고 교육이나 실무에 쓸모가 있을지도 알아보려고 합니다.

이 책을 따라 하다보면 다음을 자연스레 익힐 수 있을 것입니다.

  • 흐름도 작성법
  • 플로고리듬 사용법
  • 프로그래밍의 기본 원리
  • 의사코드
  • 기초 알고리듬

흐름도를 직접 작성하지 않더라도, 여기에 실린 흐름도와 실행 영상을 참고해서 각자 사용하는 언어로 구현하는 것도 좋습니다.

이 책에서 사용한 버전은 Flowgorithm 2.30.3입니다.


[PYTHON] 4 Ways to Solve FizzBuzz in Python




4 Ways to Solve FizzBuzz in Python

FizzBuzz is a challenge that involves writing code that labels numbers divisible by three as “Fizz,” four as “Buzz” and numbers divisible by both as “FizzBuzz.” Here’s how to solve it in Python.  


he technical interview is hard to master and can be a nerve-racking experience. Not only do you need to know what you are talking about, but you also have to prove it to the person interviewing you. Fortunately, most fears of failure in this regard are exaggerated, and often, the interview will boil down to only a few potentially difficult questions.


  1. Conditional statements.
  2. String concatenation.
  3. Itertools.
  4. Lambda.

One very common problem that programmers are asked to solve in technical interviews and take-home assignments is the FizzBuzz problem. FizzBuzz is a word game designed for children to teach them about division. In the game, each number divisible by three will be returned with a Fizz and any number divisible by four will return a Buzz. I was never a big fan of the test, but it can help weed out weaker applicants.

While the test is pretty easy to pass so long as you know the right operators, there are a variety of different ways to solve it. However, some solutions might prove to be more impressive than others, and I think this is something to keep in mind when working on this problem for a real interview. In addition to demonstrating these alternative methods of solving FizzBuzz, we are going to time each solution and compare the respective results.


How to Solve FizzBuzz in Python


The most popular and well-known solution to this problem involves using conditional statements. For every number in n, we are going to need to check if that number is divisible by four or three. If the number is divisible by three, it will print Fizz; if the number is divisible by four, it will print Buzz. The key here is simply knowing what operators to use to check for divisibility. In Python, we can use the modulus operator, %.

In computing, the modulo operation is meant to return the signed remainder of division. If a number is divisible by another, the remainder will always be zero, so we can use that to our advantage whenever we make our FizzBuzz function. We will structure condition blocks like this, where num is the iteration in a list of numbers.

    if num % 3 == 0:

We can now build an iterative loop following the same principle, except we’ll be adding Fizz and Buzz:

for num in range(1,101):
    string = ""
    if num % 3 == 0:
        string = string + "Fizz"
    if num % 4 == 0:
        string = string + "Buzz"
    if num % 4 != 0 and num % 3 != 0:
        string = string + str(num)

ACE YOUR INTERVIEWExpect These Questions in Your Second-Stage Software Developer Interview



Though incredibly similar to its regular conditional loop counterpart, the string concatenation method is another really great way to solve this problem. Of course, this method is also all but too similar to the conditional method. The significant difference here is that the conditionals are simply going to be affecting a small sequence of characters put into the string data-type.

for num in range(1,21):
 string = “”
 if num % 3 == 0:
 string = string + “Fizz”
 if num % 5 == 0:
 string = string + “Buzz”
 if num % 5 != 0 and num % 3 != 0:
 string = string + str(num)



Another way we could approach this problem — as well as other iteration problems — is to use the standard library tool, itertools. This will create a loop with better performance than most other iteration methods. Itertools can be thought of as an iteration library that is built to mirror several other extremely performant libraries from other languages, except using pythonic methods for solving problems.

Itertools will need to be imported, however, it is in the standard library. This means pip won’t be necessary, but itertools is still considered a project dependency. We are going to utilize three different methods from this module:

  • cycle(): Cycle is a function takes a basic data-type and creates an iterator out of it. This function is useful and makes building custom iterators incredibly easy in Python.
  • count(): Count is another generator that iterates a range. This iterator is often called an “infinite iterator,” which basically means that the count() function could essentially loop on and on forever.
  • islice(): The islice function is short for “iteration slice.” We can use this iterator to cut out particular elements in a data structure and iterate them.

Combining these methods will allow us to create a new function where we can solve the FizzBuzz problem without using the typical iteration methods in Python that we might be used to.

import itertools as its
def fizz_buzz(n):
    fizzes = its.cycle([""] * 2 + ["Fizz"])
    buzzes = its.cycle([""] * 4 + ["Buzz"])
    fizzes_buzzes = (fizz + buzz for fizz, buzz in zip(fizzes, buzzes))
    result = (word or n for word, n in zip(fizzes_buzzes, its.count(1)))
    for i in its.islice(result, 100):

The benefits of using this methodology is that the itertools library’s methods of iteration are typically going to be a lot faster than the pythonic methods of iteration. While itertools is still pythonic, it is likely that the speed of iterative looping is going to improve when using this library over the typical for loop in Python. Needless to say, creating a faster algorithm than any other applicant could certainly put you on the map for getting the job. This is a valuable module and application of the module for programmers who are still searching for employment.

A tutorial on how to solve FizzBuzz in Python. | Video: Programming with Mosh



Another method we could use to solve this problem is even more Pythonic of a solution, and it makes use of Python’s bridge to scientific computing, lambda. There are a lot of standard functions that can be used with these lambda expressions, and they certainly come in handy. One of the most frequently used methods in this regard is the map() method. This method is going to take an expression that we can create using lambda as well as an iterative data structure.

print(*map(lambda i: 'Fizz'*(not i%3)+'Buzz'*(not i%5) or i, range(1,101)),sep='\n')

For this example, I used the range generator, and the “not” keywords in order to reverse the polarity of the modulus operators usage.

ACE YOUR INTERVIEW15 Good Questions to Ask in an Interview


What’s the Best Way to Solve FizzBuzz in Python?

With all of these new ways to solve the problem, you might be wondering which one you should use. Of course, there are going to be trade-offs between the solutions, but in order to really make a great impression, we could narrow our decision down to using either the lambda method or the itertools method.

The lambda method has the advantage of being incredibly concise. However, depending on what code the map() method uses for iteration, it might trail behind the itertools method in terms of speed due to its less efficient iteration. The only way to figure out whether or not this is the case is to run some tests and compare our interpreter return times. So, that is going to be the mission between comparing these two heaps of code. In order to facilitate this comparison, I am going to be using the IPython magic in-line command, %timeit. Let’s start by trying it out on the itertools method. Since I wrote this as a function earlier, I can simply time the function call:

%timeit fizz_buzz(101)

Timed results for FizzBuzz using itertools. | Image: Emmett Boudreau

We will do the same with the lambda method:

%timeit print(*map(lambda i: 'Fizz'*(not i%3)+'Buzz'*(not i%5) or i, range(1,101)),sep='\n')

Timed results for FizzBuzz using the lambda method. | Image: Emmett Boudreau

Just as I predicted, the itertools method came in just a little faster, while the lambda method lagged slightly behind losing less than a millisecond off of the overall interpretation time. The answer here is somewhat of a mixed bag because the concise nature of the lambda expression and map() function in tandem make the lambda method appear to be a lot more impressive. But the compile time of the itertools method is most certainly impressive because of its speed.

As is often the case in programming, there are multiple ways to do one thing, and as is also often the case, some ways are significantly better than others. There are certainly some trade-offs depending on what methodology you select, but this is what defines your own style as a programmer. I believe regardless  of the decision that is made, using these faster methods will almost certainly make any aspiring programmer look a lot more proficient in their take home assignment. Furthermore, any aspiring programmer could certainly learn a lot more about programming and the language they are programming in by trying out different methods of doing the same thing. 


[python] Print Calendar 

from calendar import*
year = int(input('EnterYear: '))

print(calendar(year, 2, 1, 8, 3))

#2 = 2 characters for days (Mo, Tu, etc)
#1 = 1 line (row) for each week
#8 = 8 rows for each month
#3 = 3 columns for all months of the year.


스티브잡스 아이패드 프레젠테이션 한글자막) Steve Jobs iPad Presentation




-- ROW_NUMBER 함수를 사용할 때는 ORDER BY를 필수로 사용해야하는데, 의미없는 (SELECT 1)을 부여하여 ORDER BY 없이 조회된 결과의 순번을 부여한다.

     , ename
     , job
     , sal
  FROM emp
 WHERE sal > 2000

-- ORDER BY에 정렬 컬럼을 사용하면 정렬 후 순번이 부여된다.

     , ename
     , job
     , sal
  FROM emp
 WHERE sal > 2000


2024년 웹 개발 트렌드




TOP 40 Free Flutter Templates 2023



Are you an aspiring Flutter app developer? Or an already experienced developer looking for a good template to make your life easier? Then this article is for you both. 2022 has come and the new era of Flutter templates has arrived. Please welcome the new collection of the best free templates. Here you’ll find e-commerce app templates, banking apps, weather apps, and more.

1. Hungry

Do you know the recipe for an ideal app? At Code Market, we know that the perfect app starts with a good template. Because it keeps development time down and increases your chances of success. This is recipe app template that will definitely make you drool. It includes such screens as:

Welcome Page

Bookmarks Page

Delicious Today Page

Explore Page

Full Screen Image Page

Home Page

Newly Posted Page

Page Switcher

Profile Page

Recipe Detail Page

Search Page

And this is not the end. Number two in our menu is 3 Custom Modals. The author of this template tried his best and made this template incredibly cool. You won’t have to worry about the frontend. Just build your backend and bind it to this template. Boom — the application is ready.

Login Modal

Register Modal

Search Filter Modal

And for dessert, 13 custom widgets. Still hungry for other templates? I don’t think so.

2. Travel App UI Design

UI takes a major part of the demand among app templates. This time we suggest you take a look at this awesome free travel app template. The cozy design of this app sets up a pleasant vibe. Using this template in your work you won’t spend a lot of effort, because half of the work is already done for you.

This template is easy to customize. So you can use it not only as a travel app template, but also as a blog, store, whatever comes to your mind.

3. Flutter Wishes App UI Challenge

Ugh, how often have I wanted to save up to study Flutter development, but all the money goes to beer and chips? Countless times. But thanks to templates like these, you don’t just learn how to develop using free templates to practice, you can also make an entire app to save money for your dreams.

The cute pink design is easy to customize. Moreover, this template can be easily implemented in another application, diversifying the interface with extra features.

4. Flutter Food Ordering App UI Template

If building an app were as easy as ordering a pizza… but wait, it’s really that easy if you use ready-made templates to work with. In this set you will find awesome design, minimalistic images on the splash page and a lot of screens. This template will be great for a food delivery app. Write your backend and your application is ready. Because this template already includes:

Profile Page

Search Page

Home Page

Shopping cart Page

Offers Page

Restaurant Page

5. Flutter Bank UI

This is a banking application template with a small backend. In it you can see the balance on the card, the spending for today, a week, a month, or try to make a transaction. The minimum functions that a banking application needs and nothing unnecessary.

6. Shopping App Flutter Template

We’ve already noted that free templates can be a great way to learn how to program and build your own applications. So we suggest you take a look at this shoe store template. It has several screens. Also, such templates clearly show what you need to consider when you create an application. Feel free to customize this template. This will be a new challenge for beginner developers.

7. Flutter Weather App using API with darkmode support

Spring has sprung and I don’t know what’s better, download this template for the weather app or … might be or? Of course download this template, because it contains so many features and it just looks so good. This template includes:

Dark and Light Mode

Weather from API

Icons based on weather from API

Location is based on client IP


Performance friendly

Today weather info

Forecast for today

3-day forecast

Dynamic temperature color change based on temperature

Null safety

8. Ecommerance Flutter UI

This is a great template for e-commerce. With it you can significantly reduce the time for frontend development. You can use this template to create Android and iOS apps on Flutter. The UI Kit includes all the resources you need to reuse components, it includes 20 screens, assets, icons and fonts. It is built using the latest version of Flutter with null safety support.

Moreover, it includes such features as:

Clean Code and a well structured project hierarchy

Responsive Design to any all device screen

Fully responsive UI

Best practices for UI & UX

Supports multiple Languages

Dark and light theme

Uses Animation Controllers

Easy to customize

So look at these screens. It’s easy to customize because everything is well-structured, which is a big perk for any template.

Login page with phone number confirmation

Product Page

Search page

Shopping cart

Personal information page


Search filters page

and much more.

9. Grocery UI Template In Flutter For Android & iOS

Every person’s diet must include fruits, and every developer’s daily ration must include the grocery template. This template is User Friendly, easily customizable and includes multiple screens. This means that using this template will be helpful for your work time.

10. bwa_chat

Communication is the keystone to world domination. While using templates is key to a successful career as a developer. This chat is a great start to developing your own app. You can use it as a complete application or integrate it into another one.

11. Cryptospace

Modern design for a modern crypto wallet. Cryptocurrencies are evolving and soon will become another handy means of payment.

You can use this app template to develop a cryptocurrency wallet app or a modern banking app and more. Each user of your app will get their own wallet. The wallet is secure and every time the app is opened, authentication is required to access it. That’s why the template adds an authentication feature, which is done with a fingerprint, face authentication, or pin code. The template has the following functions: conversion of tokens with minimal commissions, replenishing the wallet, receiving or sending cryptocurrency, viewing the history of transactions. Your future app will also provide the ability to view the latest information about bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

12. Travel app

Traveling is always a pleasure, but doing it in comfort is even more enjoyable! There are many travel apps but they all have their disadvantages. Maybe you’ll make the perfect one? Who can tell? That’s why we offer you a travel app template. This template will save you time developing an entire app, and keep your energy, in order to make your app incredibly high quality.

13. Clima

If the clouds are over your head, it’s time to create a weather app. Let the sun always shine on you with the Clima template.

This is another handy and easy-to-use app template. You can add it to your app so your users can watch the weather. It’s suitable for apps with city events or as a standalone app.

14. Movies App

For fans of movies and TV series we have prepared this Movies App template. With this template, you’ll have your app done faster than you finished watching season two of Euphoria. Check out these great screenshots with minimalistic but cool User Friendly design. It will definitely save your work time and bring you joy if you use this template.

15. Best-Flutter-UI-Templates

The author of this template has collected three UI’s in one kit. It’s a great start for the developer. You can get three in one and create much more applications if you use parts of this template in your own job.

Also, pay close attention to the design and animation. It deserves your likes.

16. Shope — Free Flutter eCommerce Template

The e-commerce app is like a litmus test for app developers. Your portfolio should definitely include your e-commerce application, which will show the level of your coding skills. Are you just developing an e-commerce app? Well, let me help you save you time with front-end development. The author of this template made an effort and created 38 screens with a cool design, which can be quickly and easily customizable. Clean and structured code makes it stand out noticeably among other templates.

17. Fwitter — Twitter clone in flutter

All opinion leaders have Twitter feeds. But there is someone more powerful. Someone who could block a sitting president’s account if he wanted to. Become that person by developing your own Twitter app.

If you like this template, don’t forget to buy coffee for the author. He will need the coffee when he makes his copy of TikTok.

18. Flutter Smart Home UI

The history of the smart home began in 1961, when Joel and Ruth Spira created and patented a special device for continuously adjusting the light — a dimmer.

But did they know back in the 1960s that the entire house would be controlled by a single app on the phone? Moreover, the term “smart home” appeared already in 1984. They couldn’t have imagined it. However, I would like to show you a smart home control app template. Its pleasant design in itself sets you up for chilling.

With this template, you can control the air conditioner, lights and washing machine in your house without leaving your bed. Don’t you agree it’s handy? Moreover, it is even more convenient to work with this template, because it is perfectly made for all needs of developers.

19. Flutter Social App Concept

Is it Twitter? Is it Facebook? No, it’s your own social network. Using this template, you can easily set up your own communication app. 12 screens with a simple and easily customizable design will keep your work time short. Add different languages, a native VPN, and your app is ready.

20. Dashboard Reborn

Thinking of an original project, but don’t know exactly where to begin?

We advise you to take a closer look at this template. You can use it as a separate application, or add it as part of something bigger in your own project. This is a note-sharing application template. Ui is well detailed and equipped with animations. Nicely assembled code will make it easy to customize and modify it without any losses. Think about it.

21. Restaurant App UI KIT Flutter template app

I like to read reviews before going to a restaurant, or read the menu in advance. This is a very useful feature in modern reality, because you will definitely never make a mistake. This kit can be used to create applications faster to save your time. There is nothing unnecessary in this template, the code is completely clean. The template is easy to customize, you can change the objects as you require. Also, the template is created in a dark and light style, which has become the most relevant recently among all applications.

22. Swiggy Restaurant APP UI Kit template app

Another useful app that brings restaurants closer to consumers. When the Cavid-19 pandemic began, the titans of the delivery services stood up to protect psychological health and the national economy. So this Flutter template can also be your savior, with it you will save time, because you won’t have to create everything from scratch.

There are more than 20 screens in this set that you can easily customize as you want. A clean code and a detailed description will allow you to understand the structure of this template, even if you don’t have any knowledge in the field of coding.

23. Flutter Folio — mobile (ios, android), desktop (windows, macos, linux), web template app

This is not just a template, it is a template for getting experience in working with Flutter. If you are a beginner Flutter developer or designer, then this will be a great opportunity to try Flutter as a tool. This application works for all operating systems and it is very easy to install, so that any user can handle it. You can train yourself in creating a website, fill your hand, and then send the link to your friends or family.

24. Gif Finder Using GIPHY API template app

Gif is a bitmap format for graphic images. Gif finder is a convenient way to search for images. Sometimes ordinary emojis are not enough to express your emotions, and then GIFs come for help. This format for transmitting emotions, humor, or just cute pictures with cats has become so popular that now with this template, you can put the search for GIFs in your own messenger.

25. Flutter Travel App Concept

This template is appropriate for any operating system, therefore, using this template is as easy as booking a hotel room. But we remind you that to work with Flutter templates, you need some knowledge in the field of programming. In order to use this template properly, you need to have a good understanding of Dart.

26. Flutter Task Planner App Design

After long holidays or just some failures, it is always difficult to start active work. There are several motivational theories to beat procrastination, but I believe that the most effective solution is the user-friendly Task Planner App.

With this app, it’s possible to view, schedule and manage tasks as well as see projects that are being worked on. The nice color palette of this design perfectly copes with its task-it pleases the eye, but does not distract from the really important things.

Be careful, this is only a design. No backend.

27. Flutter eBook App

Useful reading (reading good books) expands a person’s horizons, enriches his inner world, makes him smarter and has a positive effect on memory. Reading books increases a person’s vocabulary, contributes to the development of clearer thinking, which allows you to formulate and express thoughts more lucidly. It also has a great effect on the sense of humor, which in the modern world is put on a par with the ability to communicate.

So, that’s why, applications for reading books are most relevant in today’s reading society. Apps like Apple Books, Amazon Kindle, or Bookmate have been on the market for a long time and show excellent results. This template is in no way less than the book giants.

Everything brilliant is quite simple. Like this template. There is nothing superfluous in the interface. Books are downloaded from public domain sources. Users of the app can read online or download books to use the app, for example, in flight. The app also has a dark mode to make it easier to read at night.

28. Flutter Tip Calculator App Source Code

If you often go to restaurants with friends, then you are probably tired of the frequent calculation of tips for a general check. It is for this case that the tip calculator template was developed. Very simple, fast, and most importantly convenient.

29. Flutter Foody bite

For gastronomic aesthetes, an application template for finding restaurants and cafes has been developed. Using the function of division into categories, you can easily find something that will suit your taste. Bon Appetit!

30. FlutterFurnitureAppUI

There is such a science as ergonomics — this is the science of convenience, about the organization of the working space for a comfortable and effective work of the employee, based on the physical and psychological characteristics of the human body. In today’s world of freelancing and distance learning, ergonomics is becoming a part of everyone’s life. After all, it is very important that your workspace meets all the requirements of this science.

Therefore, not only the furniture should be comfortable, but also the application for its purchase. This template is made extremely comfortable. With a little knowledge of the Dart language, you can easily customize this template and make a quality product for your consumer.

31. FlutterGrocery-ShoppingAppUI

Grocery stores have long migrated to the web. Instead of hauling heavy bags home, it’s much easier to order a delivery. And also just don’t create the app yourself from scratch, but use a template. Moreover, the author of this template reports that only a couple of fingers are needed for successful use.

32. Flutter login kit

Sometimes one finished piece of work can make life much easier. So I recommend you take a closer look at this login template. In a ready-made application, the login is the first thing the user sees, so you can’t make a mistake here. Trust the professionals and ready-made solutions to your problems!


This application is perfect for everyone who does not sit on the neck of their parents, and earns honest work. The built-in calendar lets you schedule events, set reminders, and make you more efficient day-to-day. If you are concerned about the issue of procrastination in the world, and you want to create your own convenient application for tracking tasks, then this is your choice!


News doesn’t stay fresh for long.That is why you need an app that will keep the whole world in the center of events. Whether it’s sports news, politics, or just a forecast of an impending storm. In today’s world, it is important to be one step ahead. And with this template, you will be one step ahead of your competitors! After all, while they are developing their app, your app is already working for you!

35. Flutter-movies-app

What movie should I watch tonight? It’s not on Netflix, and it’s not on HBO. So everything will be in your own streaming service!

36. E-commerce-Complete-Flutter-UI

Probably everyone has ever thought of creating their own brand or clothing store, so that they no longer spend hours looking for the perfect pair of trousers in the shopping center. But not many people succeeded. But if you are one of those lucky ones, then you probably need a stylish and user-friendly e-commerce app. I strongly recommend that you use this template to start active sales as soon as possible!

37. Flutter_ecommerce_app

Another awesome, free and very beautiful template for an ecommerce app. Bright colors are perfectly complemented by a white background, on which any thing will look even more attractive.

38. E-commerce-App-UI-Flutter

Everyone can sell products, but not everyone can do it nicely! This template is made quite original. Here everything is taken into account so as to show the product at the right angle. The main feature of this template is that the background of each product favorably emphasizes the color and texture of the product itself.

39. Flutter firebase shopping app

This is the most versatile template for e-commerce. With this template, you can sell anything from club T-shirts to car parts. The concise design does not distract with flashy colors or pictures from the products, so that the customer can easily navigate in the app. This template is for those who know what they need!

40. Flutter-Blog-App

Green in psychology today means growth, development, prosperity, stability, new beginnings. Therefore, it is perfectly suitable for the design of a blog application. Learn new things, live long and prosper.

41. Watermaniac — Flutter template

As I said, this article will be updated with new templates. And here are a couple of new products especially for you.

This template consists of Dart, as we are all made of water. And with this template, you will not forget to drink the right amount of water while you are developing your applications. If you, like me, care about the health of everyone around you and you want to be a useful person for society, then feel free to download and launch your water counting application!

42. Analog Clock Light & Dark Theme

Time flies so fast that you can’t keep track of it. But this template will help you make this process more stylish! Check it out!


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