
11 Javascript ToolKit For Creating Charts and Graphs




This article is basically your guide to the most popular and an effective JavaScript toolkit for creating charts and graphs. We will give you an overview of what these toolkits can actually do for you. If you are a developer, I am sure you have find yourself repeating some old cold again and again. If this happens with you more than often, toolkits are absolutely perfect for you. This article is basically intended to help JavaScript developers so that they can make their work a lot simpler.

These toolkits will definitely simplify your work when it comes to development and that too in a lot of ways. These toolkits are also known as frameworks and some call them libraries however, name doesn’t really matter. The best part is that they are meant to ease the tasks of a developer and make things productive. Let us now take a look at the JavaScript Toolkit for creating charts and graphs.

FusionCharts Suite XT – JavaScript Charts for the Grown-ups

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FusionCharts Suite XT gives you delightful JavaScript charts that work across devices and platforms. It’s the most comprehensive solution out there with 90+ chart types, complete with interactive features like tool-tips, drill-down, zoom, scroll, and more. It comes with comprehensive docs, and readymade demos, allowing you to create your first chart in under 15 minutes.


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Aristochart is definitely one of the best toolkits available for creating charts and graphics. The best thing is that is can be customized and is very flexible line charting library. Your focus can remain on aesthetic and Aristochart can take care of the backend data. It also offers a wide range of themes for your selection.

Morris.Js – Pretty Time-Series Line Graphs

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Morris.js is one of the most effective JavaScript toolkits. It is basically a library that controls the graphs. Morris.js is a simple API and it is for drawling line, bar, area and of course donut charts. You will find how convenient this is after using it.

JKit : JQuery Based UI Toolkit

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JKit, is definitely an easy to use toolkit. It is a cross platform and jQuery based toolkit. Although its small in size but will offer you all the needed features. It makes life simple and removes complications from the development process.

D3.Js – JQuery 3D Plugin

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if you are looking to manipulate documents according to data, D3.js JavaScript’s library is the best option for you. It will help you in bringing your data to life with the help of HTML, SVG and CSS. The best thing is that it does not tie you to proprietary framework.

Rickshaw – JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs

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if you are looking to create interactive graphs, Rickshaw will provide you with all the needed elements. Since it is all based on d3 underneath, you will be able to draw graphs with SVG and styles with CSS. You can also customize your own techniques and the best thing is that it is free and open source.

sDashboard – Simple & light weight Dashboard framework in jQuery

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sDashboard is basically a jQuery plugin and it converts assorted objects into a dashboard. Every object that has been converted will be rendered as a widget and a developer can drag it. This plug-in has built in support for interpreting datatable’s and flotr3 charts. It also offers a lot of other features that can simplify your life.

Highcharts – Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

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This is basically a charting library and is written totally in pure JavaScript. This will offer you interactive charts for your website. Highcharts supports most of the chart types and it includes line, spline, column, bar and a lot more.

jqPlot – A Versatile and Expandable jQuery Plotting Plugin

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jqPlot is basically a charting plugin and it creates some beautiful pie, line and bar charts. It has a lot of features and offers wide variety of chart styles, offers customizable formatting and a lot more. It has been tested on all famous browsers such IE 7 and onwards, Firefox, safari and Opera.

jQuery Spidergraph Plugin – Dynamic, interactive spidergraphs in HTML5

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Looking to create spidergraphs in HTML5? Well, your search ends with jQuery Spidergraph. This is basically a plain and easy to use module and it helps developers in creating goodlooking and attractive spidergraphs. Other features includes, illustrating scaled quantitative data for several subjective attributes and overlaying multiple data.

Dygraphs JavaScript Visualization Library

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Producing interactive, zoomable charts is not an easy task. However, dygraphs can definitely help you in doing this. It is basically an open source JavaScript library that proves to be benficial. It is basically designed to display slid data and users can obviously explore the data in order to interpret it.


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I have always believed that charts are a great way to present data in a less complicated way. Creating a professional admin panle won’t be easy without charts. Also, setting them up is a tricky job, isn’t it? However, libraries such as xCharts are making lives a lot easier. You can use it for building some pretty AJAX-powered charts so what are you waiting for? Go ahead, explore it and live a simple, less complicated life.


16 Free jQuery Data And Time Plugins


Check this list of 16 free jQuery Data and Time Plugins and pick the ones you like the best. Here goes the list..

JQuery Age

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JQuery Age

This one is a really cool jQuery plugin that has the ability of formatting and tracking dates and times as human readable text.


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This one is a really easy to use plugin that helps you create a nice looking clock / timer / countdown with flip effect. It is customizable and has a proper extendible API. It can be used as a clock, a timer, a countdown with an amazing flip effect. It is themeable using pure CSS and has a clean syntax. Overall it is a really cool plugin.

TimeTo – jQuery plugin timer countdown digital clock

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TimeTo - jQuery plugin timer countdown digital clock

TimeTo is a simple, elegant yet very efficient plugin which allows creating a countdown digital clock easily and quickly. It’s countdown include days, hours, minutes and seconds.

Webshims – polyfills jQuery with many HTML5 features

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Webshims – polyfills jQuery with many HTML5 features

Webshims is a modular capability-based polyfill loading library that extends jQuery with HTML5 features offer some amazing features. It allows for HTML5 audio/video/track implementation, basic CSS support, geolocation, and localStorage/sessionStorage.

jQuery Plugin Date Picker & Date Range Selector

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jQuery Plugin Date Picker & Date Range Selector

This one is a really cool date picker and date range selector plugin and offers scrollable months instead of paged. It allows date dragging, range shifting by dragging, selecting month or week etc. It also boasts support for popups, various date formats, setting holidays or disabled days, defining minimum range and custom scrollbar etc.


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It is a sophisticated yet easy-to-use responsive date selection widget. Its customization is possible with CSS. On the whole it is a handy and effective widget.

JQuery Countdown

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JQuery Countdown plugin allows setting a div or span for showing a countdown to a certain time. It is highly-customizable and provides various different options.

Colorful Clock With CSS & JQuery

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Colorful Clock With CSS & JQuery

As the name suggests, this jQuery plugin allows creating a bright, colorful and lively jQuery & CSS clock. It is quite interesting and lets you track those precious last seconds of an event etc.


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It is a really cool clock with some really cool effects and an awesome look. It does not have any Adobe Flash files, rather work on <div> and <img> tags and functions by rotating them though JavaScript using CSS transform property.

Jqtimeline – Customizable JQuery Timeline Plugin

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This interesting timeline is quite user-friendly and highly customizable. This simple plugin allows creating a timeline for some specific events. Adding or removing events on the go is very easy.

JQRangeSlider, JQDateRangeSlider & JQEditRangeSlider

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This JavaScript slider selector supports dates and is especially really suitable for touch devices as it enhances the user experience.

Moment.Js : JavaScript Date Library

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Moment.Js is a beautiful and really amazing yet a lightweight JavaScript date library that lets you parse, validate, manipulate, and format dates easily and quickly.

JQuery Mobile Date Navigation Plugin

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As the name suggests, this plugin is perfect for mobile devices. It offers navigation between date range, either by a set range such as week, month and year.


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jQuery Payments is a nice library which can help you create credit card forms, validate inputs and format numbers. It makes the checkout process a lot easier and better.


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Modern browsers support Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file format very well. The most amazing feature of this file type is that it is totally scalable to any size and has the ability to look good on any resolution or screen density without deterioration in quality. CODROPS lets you handle those files easily and quickly and allows for animation and interaction using CSS and JavaScript.

Minical – Lightweight Datepicker Plugin

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Minical, as the name hints, is a very minimalistic and lightweight datepicker Plugin that allows for easy customization. It boasts full keyboard support and its value is changeable from the date format defined in the plugin.



JavaScript: an overview of the regular expression API

Regular expression syntax

Listed below are constructs that are hard to remember (not listed are things like * for repetition, capturing groups, etc.).
  • Escaping: the backslash escapes special characters, including the slash in regular expression literals (see below) and the backslash itself.
    • If you specify a regular expression in a string you must escape twice: once for the string literal, once for the regular expression. For example, to just match a backslash, the string literal becomes "\\\\".
    • The backslash is also used for some special matching operators (see below).
  • Non-capturing group: (?:x) works like a capturing group for delineating the subexpression x, but does not return matches and thus does not have a group number.
  • Positive look-ahead: x(?=y) means that x matches only if it is followed by y. y itself is not counted as part of the regular expression.
  • Negative look-ahead: x(?!y) the negated version of the previous construct: x must not be followed by y.
  • Repetitions: {n} matches exactly n times, {n,} matches at least n times, {n,m} matches at least n, at most m times.
  • Control characters: \cX matches Ctrl-X (for any control character X), \n matches a linefeed, \r matches a carriage return.
  • Back reference: \n refers back to group n and matches its contents again.
    > /(a+)b\1/.test("aaba")
    > /^(a+)b\1/.test("aaba")
    > var tagName = /<([^>]+)>[^<]*<\/\1>/;
    > tagName.exec("<b>bold</b>")[1]
    > tagName.exec("<strong>text</strong>")[1]
    > tagName.exec("<strong>text</stron>")

Creating a regular expression

There are two ways to create a regular expression.
Regular expression literal: var regex = /xyz/; (compiled at load time)
Regular expression object: var regex = new RegExp("xzy"); (compiled at runtime)
Flags modify matching behavior.
g global The given regular expression is matched multiple times.
i ignoreCase Case is ignored when trying to match the given regular expression.
m multiline In multiline mode, the begin and end operators ^ and $ work for each line, instead of for the complete input string.
    > /abc/.test("ABC")
    > /abc/i.test("ABC")
Regular expressions have the following properties.
  • Flags: boolean values indicating what flags are set.
    • global: is flag g set?
    • ignoreCase: is flag i set?
    • multiline: is flag m set?
  • If flag g is set:
    • lastIndex: the index where to continue matching next time.

RegExp.prototype.test(): determining whether there is a match

The following method returns a boolean indicating whether the match succeeded.
    > var regex = /^(a+)b\1$/;
    > regex.test("aabaa")
    > regex.test("aaba")
If the flag g is set then test() returns true as often as there are matches in the string.
    > var regex = /b/g;
    > var str = 'abba';

    > regex.test(str)
    > regex.test(str)
    > regex.test(str)

String.prototype.search(): finding the index of a match

The following method returns the index where a match was found and -1 otherwise.
search() completely ignores the flag g. Examples:
    > 'abba'.search(/b/)
    > 'abba'.search(/x/)

RegExp.prototype.exec(): capture groups, optionally repeatedly

    var matchData = regex.exec(str);
matchData is null if there wasn’t a match. Otherwise, it is an array with two additional properties.
  • Properties:
    • input: The complete input string.
    • index: The index where the match was found.
  • Array: whose length is the number of capturing groups plus one.
    • 0: The match for the complete regular expression (group 0, if you will).
    • n ≥ 1: The capture of group n.
Invoke once: Flag global is not set.
    > var regex = /a(b+)a/;
    > regex.exec("_abbba_aba_")
    [ 'abbba'
    , 'bbb'
    , index: 1
    , input: '_abbba_aba_'
    > regex.lastIndex
Invoke repeatedly: Flag global is set.
    > var regex = /a(b+)a/g;
    > regex.exec("_abbba_aba_")
    [ 'abbba'
    , 'bbb'
    , index: 1
    , input: '_abbba_aba_'
    > regex.lastIndex
    > regex.exec()
    [ 'aba'
    , 'b'
    , index: 7
    , input: '_abbba_aba_'
    > regex.exec()
Loop over matches.
    var regex = /a(b+)a/g;
    var str = "_abbba_aba_";
    while(true) {
        var match = regex.exec(str);
        if (!match) break;

String.prototype.match(): capture groups or all matches

    var matchData = str.match(regex);
If the flag g of regex is not set, this method works like RegExp.prototype.exec(). If the flag is set then it returns an array with all matching substrings in str (i.e., group 0 of every match) or null if there is no match.
    > 'abba'.match(/a/)
    [ 'a', index: 0, input: 'abba' ]
    > 'abba'.match(/a/g)
    [ 'a', 'a' ]
    > 'abba'.match(/x/g)

String.prototype.replace(): search and replace

    str.replace(search, replacement)
  • search:
    • either a string (to be found literally, has no groups)
    • or a regular expression.
  • replacement:
    • either a string describing how to replace what has been found
    • or a function that computes a replacement, given matching information.
Replacement is a string. The dollar sign $ is used to indicate special replacement directives:
  • $$ inserts a dollar sign $.
  • $& inserts the complete match.
  • $` inserts the text before the match.
  • $' inserts the text after the match.
  • $n inserts group n from the match. n must be at least 1, $0 has no special meaning.
    > "a1b_c1d".replace("1", "[$`-$&-$']")
    > "a1b_c1d".replace(/1/, "[$`-$&-$']")
    > "a1b_c1d".replace(/1/g, "[$`-$&-$']")
Replacement is a function. The replacement function has the following signature.
function(completeMatch, group_1, ..., group_n, offset, inputStr) { ... }
completeMatch is the same as $& above, offset indicates where the match was found, and inputStr is what is being matched against. Thus, the special variable arguments inside the function starts with the same data as the result of the exec() method.


    > "I bought 3 apples and 5 oranges".replace(
          function(match) { return 2 * match; })
    'I bought 6 apples and 10 oranges'

String.prototype.split(): splitting strings

In a string, find the substrings between separators and return them in an array. Signature:
    str.split(separator, limit?)
  • separator can be
    • a string: separators are matched verbatim
    • a regular expression: for more flexible separator matching. Many JavaScript implementations include the first capturing group in the result array, if there is one.
  • limit optionally specifies a maximum length for the returned array. A value less than 0 allows arbitrary lengths.
    > "aaa*a*".split("a*")
    [ 'aa', '', '' ]
    > "aaa*a*".split(/a*/)
    [ '', '*', '*' ]
    > "aaa*a*".split(/(a*)/)
    [ '', 'aaa', '*', 'a', '*' ]


  • ECMAScript Language Specification, 5th edition.
  • Regular Expressions at the Mozilla Developer Network Doc Center

Caching jQuery selections in an object





jQuery(document).ready(function() {

jQuery('#some-selector').on('hover', function() {
jQuery('#another-element').on('hover', function() {
jQuery('#some-selector').on('click', function() {
alert('You have clicked a featured element');
jQuery('#another-element').on('mouseout', function() {




var someNamespace_Dom = {
 someSelector : 'jQuery("#some-selector")',
 anotherElement: 'jQuery("#another-element")',

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
 someNamespace_Dom.someSelector.on('hover', function() {
 someNamespace_Dom.anotherElement.on('hover', function() {
 someNamespace_Dom.someSelector.on('click', function() {
  alert('You have clicked a featured element');
 someNamespace_Dom.anotherElement.on('mouseout', function() {


Pickadate.js — Responsive date & time picker

Pickadate.js is a responsive, mobile-friendly jQuery date & time input picker. Just insert one line of code and get a date picker with a popup calendar.


Homepage: http://amsul.ca/pickadate.js/
GitHub: https://github.com/amsul/pickadate.js



The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight
jQuery date & time input picker. 


Sticky-kit: A sticky element jQuery plugin

컨텐츠 영역에 빈 공간이 있고, 풋터가 멀리 있을 경우, 긴 컨텐츠 영역이 끝날때까지 짦은 컨텐츠 영역이 따라서 스크롤 된다.





A jQuery plugin for making smart sticky elements.

See the hompage for directions and examples: http://leafo.net/sticky-kit/

License: WTFPL


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