30 Awesome jQuery Plugins All Designers Should Check Today
Browser dialog boxes never looked so good. Try this jQuery plugin. An unobtrusive customizable Javascript notification system. Includes modal dialogs and non-modal notifications.
Avgrund is a jQuery plugin for modal boxes and popups. It uses interesting concept showing depth between popup and page. It works in all modern browsers and gracefully degrade in those that do not support CSS transitions and transformations (e.g. in IE 6-9 has standard behavior).
iCheck is created to avoid routine of reinventing the wheel when working with checkboxes and radio buttons. It provides an expected identical result for the huge number of browsers, devices and their versions. Callbacks and methods can be used to easily handle and make changes at customized inputs.
With Long Press, you can insert rare characters as easily as on Android or iOS.
Websites have a responsibility to users to accurately tell them how good a password is, and this is not an easy job. Complexify aims to provide a good measure of password complexity for websites to use both for giving hints to users in the form of strength bars, and for casually enforcing a minimum complexity for security reasons
This cool jQuery plugin allows you to create really cool circular knobs that spin as you scroll.
The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery date & time input picker.
Chosen is a jQuery plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly.
Use this plugin if you want to make HTML input field typing fun with some CSS3 effects. This plugin does not have any current plans to support any version of IE.
A handy, loosely-coupled jQuery plugin for full-screen scrolling windows.
Sticky is a jQuery plugin that gives you the ability to make any element on your page always stay visible.
With this super jQuery plugin, you can create super cool scroll animations in any website.
Parallax has never been easier. Stellar.js is a jQuery plugin that provides parallax scrolling effects to any scrolling element.
Scrollpath is a plugin for defining custom scroll paths. It uses canvas flavored syntax to draw lines and arcs.
Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide a ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text.
While CSS3 allows us to rotate letters, it is quite complicated to arrange each letter along a curved path. Arctext.js is a jQuery plugin that let’s you do exactly that. Based on Lettering.js, it calculates the right rotation of each letter and distributes the letters equally across the imaginary arc of the given radius.
Bacon is a jQuery plugin that allows you to wrap text around a bezier curve or a line.
A jQuery plugin for radical web typography. Web type is exploding all over the web but CSS currently doesn’t offer complete down-to-the-letter control. So this jQuery plugin gives you that control.
FitText makes font-sizes flexible. Use this plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.
Gridster is a jQuery plugin that allows building intuitive draggable layouts from elements spanning multiple columns. You can even dynamically add and remove elements from the grid.
Freetile is a plugin for jQuery that enables the organization of webpage content in an efficient, dynamic and responsive layout. It can be applied to a container element and it will attempt to arrange it’s children in a layout that makes optimal use of screen space, by “packing” them in a tight arrangement.
nanoScroller.js is a jQuery plugin that offers a simplistic way of implementing Mac OS X Lion-styled scrollbars for your website.
Tubular is a jQuery plugin that lets you set a YouTube video as your page background. Just attach it to your page wrapper element, set some options, and you’re on your way.
A simple jQuery plugin that allows you to add a dynamically-resized, slideshow-capable background image to any page or element.
iPicture creates interactive pictures with extra descriptions, embedded video, links or everything else using javascript and css3.
Adipoli is a simple jQuery plugin used to bring stylish image hover effects.
A jQuery plugin that uses the CSS3 image filters to replicate the tilt-shift effect. This is a proof of concept and currently only works in Chrome & Safari 6.
Amazing jQuery plugin for creating draggable 360s.
An easy jQuery plugin for Instagram API to fetch and display user, popular or tags photo feeds inside your web application or site.
A simple jQuery plugin for creating a countdown timer. It shows the remaining days, hours, minutes and seconds to your event, as well as an animated updates on every second.
This jQuery plugin draw users’ attention to a specific part of the page, in the form of a small arrow that is displayed next to their mouse cursor.
A jQuery plugin which shows a user feed from the popular social networks.
A tiny jQuery plugin for displaying progress in a visual and engaging way. jQuery.Percentage Loader is a jQuery plugin for displaying a progress widget in more visually striking way than the ubiquitous horizontal progress bar / textual counter. Installation and use is quick and simple. It makes use of HTML 5 canvas for a rich graphical appearance with only a 10kb (minified) javascript file necessary (suggested web font optional), using vectors rather than images so can be easily deployed at various sizes.
A powerful, flexible jQuery plugin enabling you to easily create semantic, modern tooltips enhanced with the power of CSS.
Toolbar allows you to quickly create tool tip style toolbars for use in web applications and websites. The toolbar is easily customizable using the Twitter Bootstrap icons and provides flexibility around the toolbars display and number of icons.