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20 New Essential jQuery Plugins

Latest jQuery Plugins and scripts for web designers and developers. Today I selected 20 essential jQuery plugins, sliders, image galleries, slideshow plugins, jQuery navigation menus, interactive maps, mobile interfaces , accordion menus, tooltips plugins and many other useful jQuery scripts collected in one place.

jQuery plugin are constantly being released, and it’s no surprise since it’s insanely popular, and for good reason. The only problem is being able to sort through them all to find the good ones. That’s why we’re always on the lookout, and we will found some good ones for you.

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20 New jQuery Plugins

jQuery is a fast and concise JavaScript Library that simplifies HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, and Ajax interactions for rapid web development. jQuery is designed to change the way that you write JavaScript. (via jquery.com)

jQuery Lightweight Tooltip Plugin :Tooltipster

jQuery Lightweight Tooltip Plugin :Tooltipster

Tooltipster is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to easily create clean, HTML5 validated tooltips. The plugin is small-in-size (4.8kb minified), works fast and can be customized with ease.

Its look can be changed with CSS (theme support) and the position of the arrow, following the mouse, delay/period of the appearance can all be defined.

Website: http://calebjacob.com/tooltipster/

RoyalSlider – Professional Image Gallery and Responsive Content jQuery Slider Plugin

RoyalSlider – Professional Image Gallery and Responsive Content jQuery Slider Plugin

Royal Slider is a professional touch-enabled jQuery plugin for displaying any HTML content (images, videos, text..) inside a slider interface and comes with awesome features.

The slider focuses on providing great user experience on every desktop and mobile device.

The slider is very customizable with 50+ options, 4 skins with PSD files, 9 pre-built templates (and more coming) and full CSS styling.

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/royal-slider/
Demo: http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/royal-slider/templates/

Cross-Browser JavaScript Drag & Drop File Uploader: FileDrop

Cross-Browser JavaScript Drag and Drop File Uploader: FileDrop

FileDrop is a JavaScript cross-browser class for quickly creating drag & drop and AJAX (multiple) file uploader interfaces.

The class doesn’t require any JavaScript frameworks and works cross-browser, including IE6 (with iFrame fallback).

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://proger.i-forge.net/FileDrop_%E2%80%93_cross-browser_JavaScript_Drag_-amp_Drop_file_upload/7CC

Really Simple Slideshow: A Flexible Larger Slider jQuery Plugin

Really Simple Slideshow: A Flexible Larger Slider jQuery Plugin

Really Simple Slideshow is a flexible jQuery plugin for creating image sliders of any kind. Images are loaded dynamically as each one is required, allowing for larger slideshows without having to pre-load lots of images.

The plugin converts any list of images into a slideshow, it can display captions with each slide, include links and there are multiple transition effects.

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://reallysimpleworks.com/slideshow/

Responsive jQuery Slider: iView Slider

Responsive jQuery Slider: iView Slider

iView Slider is a responsive jQuery image slider plugin with animated captions, for featuring any type of content (images, HTML, video). Easily add unlimited number of slides and captions. Use it as image slider, image gallery, banner rotator, banner ads, or even presentation.

The plugin has support for responsive layouts down to mobile and it works well with touch interfaces.

Slider has 35 built-in transition effects which is completely compatible with all major browsers (including ie6 to ie9, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari) and mobile platforms like iOS / Android.

Requirements: jQuery & Raphael
Website: http://iprodev.com/2012/07/iview/

Lightweight Framework For Mobile Web Apps: Sidetap

Lightweight Framework For Mobile Web Apps: Sidetap

Sidetap is a lightweight framework for mobile web apps (2kb minified, gzipped).

The framework actually focuses on providing a flexible side-navigation similar to the one we know from Facebook’s mobile app, and, once the navigation part is solved, it is pretty easy to build a simple mobile web app.

Lightweight Sidetap only weighs 2k when minifyied and gzipped!

Device Support Sidetap aims to always deliver the best possible experience for all devices by starting with a basic experience and progressively enhancing it for more capable devices.

Less Decisions to Make By embracing convention over configuration, Sidetap lets you start building your mobile interfaces right away.

Simple Sidetap provides a flexible foundation for navigating between content panels on mobile devices using an easy-to-use syntax.

Requirements: jQuery or Zepto.js
Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://sidetap.it/

Javascript Slideshow For Flickr Images :Flickrshow

Javascript Slideshow For Flickr Images :Flickrshow

Flickrshow is a simple JavaScript slideshow for Flickr images.

The JavaScript slideshow doesn’t require any development expertise but, if jQuery is detected, it can function like any other jQuery plugin.

It has the ability to display images of a specific user, set, group, gallery and/or tags.

The number of images to be shown “per page”, autoplay being on/off, user control being on/off and the interval between each item can all be defined.

Website: http://www.flickrshow.co.uk/
Download: https://github.com/beseku/javascript.flickrshow

HTML Generator for jQuery Mobile Framework: jqmPhp

HTML Generator for jQuery Mobile Framework: jqmPhp

jqmPhp is an open source HTML code generator for jQuery mobile framework, the project that aims to simplify using jQuery Mobile with PHP.

jqmPhp is a package of PHP classes that facilitates the creation HTML files for use with jQuery Mobile Framework. All classes in the jqmPhp package can be converted to string and printed with an echo function.

Website: http://www.jqmphp.com/
Download: http://code.google.com/p/jqmphp/downloads/list

UI Notifications Framework: Backbone.Notifier

UI Notifications Framework: Backbone.Notifier

Backbone.Notifier is a powerful UI notifications framework for displaying and controlling UI notifications.

It is built on top of jQuery, Backbone.js + Underscore.js and has many cool features like a 3D module or animations support.

The notifications can be displayed on the top or in the middle, modal notifications exist and it is possible to set custom styles via CSS + JS API.

Requirements: jQuery, Backbone.js and Underscore.js
Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://e-w.co.il/backbone.notifier/
Download: https://github.com/ewebdev/backbone.notifier/

Easiest Google Maps Integration With GMaps.js

Easiest Google Maps Integration With GMaps.js

GMaps.js, is a jQuery plugin, allows Google Maps integration in a easiest way. Google Maps, like any other Google product is already easy-to-use and their API is not that complicated to work with.

Besides adding a standard map of a specific location, we can define the zoom level, add markers, get the location of a user (HTML5 geolocation), define routes, draw polylines and more with only few lines of code.

Requirements: jQuery
Website: http://hpneo.github.com/gmaps/

Chronoline.js : JavaScript Library For Display Graphical Timeline Of Events

Chronoline.js : JavaScript Library For Display Graphical Timeline Of Events

Chronoline.js is a JavaScript library for creating a chronological graphical timeline of events.

The timeline is is displayed horizontally, list of dates and events, it can generate a graphical representation of schedules, historical events, deadlines, and events placed on it can be any days long and details about the events are shown in a tooltip when hovered.

Requirements: Raphael.js, jQuery, jQuery qTip2 plugin
Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://stoicloofah.github.com/chronoline.js/

JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor With Drag ‘n’ Drop : Redactor

JavaScript WYSIWYG Editor With Drag ‘n’ Drop : Redactor

Redactor is a free JavaScript WYSIWYG editor with drag ‘n’ drop images and files on the web. Redactor powered by jQuery its have clear interface.

It auto-converts textarea fields into an editor and the editor is capable of all the major actions (text-styling, adding image/file/video/tables/lists).

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://redactorjs.com/
Demo: http://redactorjs.com/examples/

Awesome Scrolling Effects jQuery Plugin: SuperScrollorama

Awesome Scrolling Effects jQuery Plugin: SuperScrollorama

I m sure you not forget the previous version “Scrollorama, the popular jQuery plugin creating scrolling effects in scrolling of web pages.

There is now a superior version named SuperScrollorama by the same developer which offers more and complicated animations.

It makes use of the feature-rich TweenMax and the Greensock Tweening Engine (make sure you check its license before using) for accomplishing the effects.

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://johnpolacek.github.com/superscrollorama/

Drop Down Menus With Images jQuery Plugin :ddSlick

Drop Down Menus With Images jQuery Plugin :ddSlick

ddSlick, a free lightweight jQuery plugin for creating drop down menus (list menus) with images and description, list-menus with a better look and more information.

It works as a drop-down menu where we can use images and description besides a simple text.

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://designwithpc.com/Plugins/ddSlick

Awesome jQuery Calendar :jQuery Verbose Calendar

Awesome jQuery Calendar :jQuery Verbose Calendar

jQuery Verbose Calendar is an awesome jquery plugin created by John Patrick Given (software developer & interface designer), The jQuery plugin creating a calendar that shows the whole months and days of a year at the same time and you can also change month and year.

When its loaded, it auto-scrolls to “today date” and displays the day names when hovered to any date in a tooltip.

Requirements jQuery + Tipsy & jQuery.ScrollTo plugins
Compatibility All Major Browsers
Website: http://iamjpg.github.com/jQuery-Verbose-Calendar/
Download; https://github.com/iamjpg/jQuery-Verbose-Calendar

Vector Maps With jQuery, Vector Graphic Maps for Modern Browsers :JQVMAP

Vector Maps With jQuery, Vector Graphic Maps for Modern Browsers :JQVMAP

JQVMap is a jQuery plugin for render vector graphic maps by using SVG for modern browsers and VML for the rest.

It is a heavily modified version of another plugin, jVectorMap, and comes withready-to-use maps of “world, USA, Europe and Germany”.

There are several customization options for beautifying the maps including colors, borders or their opacity.

Maps can have zooming enabled or not, show tooltips of data when hovered and there is callback for clicks.

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://jqvmap.com/
Download: https://github.com/manifestinteractive/jqvmap

jCS Media Library (jCSML) For Creating Cross-Browser Animation

jCS Media Library (jCSML) For Creating Cross-Browser Animation

jCS Media Library (jCSML) is powered by jQuery and it is specifically designed for creating cross-browser animation and be able to run them everywhere without having to tweak anything for individual browsers or platforms.

jCSML create flash-quality animations can be built that will run from IE7 all the way to the iPad/iPhone without changing a single line of code. It can produce highly effective animations using the jCSML scripting construct. The animations can also be easily packaged up and sold like .SWF files.

JCSML works everywhere like IE7 browsers, android Or an iPad/iPhone.

Requirement: jQuery & jQuery easing library
Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://jcsml.com/
Demo: http://jcsml.com/pageshell.html?root=Tutorials&target=Starship#
Download: http://www.jcsml.com/pageshell.html?root=PurchasePages&target=PurchasePage&TOCEnabled=FALSE

minjs: Lightweight JavaScript Components

minjs: Lightweight JavaScript Components

minjs is a collection of independent JavaScript components, built on jQuery, that aims to accomplish a specific job with lightweight code.

minjs stays out of your way. It does not dictate how you to design your UI. It tries to make no assumptions about the layout of the HTML or CSS it’s running in.

Currently, there are 3 components: minform, longtable and dtcal.

minform brings cross-browser compatibility to HTML5 form enhancements(for attributes: placeholder, required and autofocus).

Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://www.minjs.com/

Real Shadow: jQuery Plugin For Mouse-Sensitive & Realistic Shadows

Real Shadow: jQuery Plugin For Mouse-Sensitive & Realistic Shadows

Real Shadow is a simple-yet-effective jQuery plugin for mouse-sensitive & creating realistic shadow effects for any HTML element.

With a simple function, it works by targeting any number of elements and manipulating the value of box-shadow CSS property for the elements in accordance with the mouse position.

So, the shadow’s location and size is determined by the element’s distance to the mouse pointer which ends up in a cool effect.

Compatibility: All Modern Browsers
Website: http://indamix.github.com/real-shadow/
Download: https://github.com/Indamix/real-shadow/

MiniJs: A Suite Of jQuery Plugins Written In CoffeeScript

MiniJs: A Suite Of jQuery Plugins Written In CoffeeScript

Matthieu Aussaguel a web developer working at Envoto, releasing MiniJs plugins.

MiniJs is a free and open source suite of jQuery plugins that are written in CoffeeScript.

The plugins are perfect for everyday-use and include: slider, tooltip, notification, Twitter feed and counter (new ones are on the way).

They are all built with simplicity in mind and very easy-to-use with only few important parameters.

Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://minijs.com/
Download: https://github.com/minijs

jPages: Awesome JavaScript Pagination Plugin

jPages: Awesome JavaScript Pagination Plugin

jPages is a client-side JavaScript pagination plugin (jQuery plugin) with have lots of features like keyboard + scroll navigation, auto page turn, delayed display and a customizable navigation panel and also integration with Animate.css and Lazy Load.

The plugin is very unobtrusive and it won’t apply any extra styles to the items you are paginating. It will only create and insert the links inside the element(s) you are applying the plugin to, in order to turn them into navigation panel(s).

Any number of pagination elements can be inserted into the same page and they can be positioned with ease.

Compatibility: All Major Browsers
Website: http://luis-almeida.github.com/jPages/
Demo: http://luis-almeida.github.com/jPages/defaults.html
Download: https://github.com/luis-almeida/jPages


How to Turn jQuery Accordion into CSS3 Accordion


Have you ever used ordinary accordion plugins in your projects? I would believe so! Most of them use javascript to work (or jQuery). Usually we use such plugins (accordions) to build a promo with images, a little photo gallery, or in case we have to build an advertisement with a list of product features. We did some research and came to the conclusion that sometimes we don’t need to use any script in order to build accordions. We can just use the power of CSS3. We can handle the OnClick event and use custom animation.

download sources

I prepared three versions with accordions. For the first demonstration we use jQuery to build an accordion. I selected liteAccordion jQuery plugin (http://nicolahibbert.com/demo/liteAccordion/) as an accordion plugin for out test purposes. See how it works:

Live Demo

That’s all, our own CSS3-based accordion is complete! You can check it in action:

CSS3 accordion demo

But that’s not all for today, as a bonus, I prepared a third demo for you with an animated accordion.

animated accordion demo

In order to do it I recommend disable onclick behavior, and apply new animation:


Now that is all for today. We have just created three different demos: the first one with jQuery, the second and the third – with pure CSS3. I hope that you like it. Good luck!


10 Best jQuery Google Maps Plugins

구글지도 플러그인


Most of the users on the internet use Google Maps whenever they need to find a location of a certain place. Google Maps is easy to use so it is widely used among internet users. These days it is common to see Google Maps embedded into the websites. People embed Maps to their websites so that their visitors can easily find their location to contact them.

Some premium WordPress theme developers have also started providing the options to embed Google maps by default into their themes. You might have already seen maps embedded into other websites and might be wondering how to embed these maps into your website as well. It seems a complex task at first but using these jQuery plugins you can easily accomplish this task yourself. All these plugins have proper documentation to help you out.

If you want to embed Google maps to your website, here are 10 Best jQuery Google Maps Plugins for you.

gMap – Google Maps Plugin for jQuery

More About gMap – Google Maps Plugin for jQuery

bMap – jQuery Google Maps Plugin

More About bMap – jQuery Google Maps Plugin

jQuery GPS

More About jQuery GPS

Google Maps the jQuery Plugin Way

More About Google Maps the jQuery Plugin Way

jQuery UI Map

More About jQuery UI Map

Google Maps jQuery Plugin

More About Google Maps jQuery Plugin


More About Googlemaps

Mapbox – Zoomable jQuery Map Plugin

More About Mapbox

gMap3 – jQuery Plugin for Google Maps

More About gMap3


More About goMap


10 Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins

슬라이드 플러그인


Sliders are common on blogs for a long time. But now sliders can be seen on any type of website. With the trend of responsive web design, you also need to make slider of your website or blog responsive so that it also adapts itself according to the resolution of the screen.

Its not that much difficult to make a website responsive but its always better to make use of scripts written by other developers to save your time. To help you out with responsive sliders, I have hand picked 10 best responsive jQuery slider plugins available on internet.

10 Responsive jQuery Slider Plugins


Flexslider is the most widely used and fully responsive jQuery slider. Flexslider is easy to use and is supported in all major browsers.


WOW Slider

WOW Slider is a responsive jQuery image slider with stunning visual effects and tons of professionally made templates.

WOW Slider

ResponsiveSlides.js – Responsive jQuery Slider

ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slider using list items inside <ul>. It works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up.


wmuSlider – A jQuery responsive slider


CSS3 Slideshow with Parallax Effect

CSS3 Slideshow with Parallax Effect


Blueberry is an experimental opensource jQuery image slider plugin which has been written specifically to work with fluid/responsive web layouts.


Camera Slideshow

Camera Slideshow

Elastic Image Slideshow

Elastic image slideshow is a simple elastic slideshow with a thumbnail preview. The slideshow will adjust automatically to its surrounding container and you can navigate through the slides by using the thumbnail previewer or the autoplay slideshow option.

Elastic Image Slideshow

Fullscreen Slit Slider

Fullscreen Slit Slider


UnoSlider is an advanced image and content slider which is built with responsive design and mobile devices in mind.



6 jQuery Plugins for Book Like Page Flip Effect

책 같은 페이지 전환효과 플러그인


jQuery when combined with modern web technologies can do wonders. It can be used to achieve most of the realistic effects. At most of the times, web developers develop the effects that are inspired by the real world examples. One of such effects is book like page flip effect. Page flip is very much popular among web developers.

Book like page flip effect can make your web layout look like a book with turning pages like real books. You don’t need to dive into the jQuery to write your own code to achieve this effect. You can choose from any of the following jQuery plugins to add a book like page flip effect on your web layout.

Here are 6 Page Flip jQuery Plugins for book like effect.


turn.js makes your content look like a real book or magazine using all the advantages of HTML5. The plugin works on most of the devices including Android, iPad, iPod and iPhone.



Booklet is a jQuery powered plugin for a flipbook style layout. The plugin provides many options to customize it as per your needs. You can change the speed, starting page, shadows, reading direction and more.

The plugin has the option to turn pages using keyboard’s previous-next buttons or manually. Keyboard navigation makes it really easy to use this plugin.



BookBlock is a jQuery plugin that is used to create book like layout with a page-flip navigation. The plugin can be used to flip any type of content like text or images.



jFlip plugin builds an image gallery made as a book. You can flip the book pages to view the next or previous image clicking or dragging the animated corners shown when hovering on the gallery area.


Notebook Page Flip

Notebook Page Flip is a customized version of the Booklet jQuery plugin. This plugin shows latest blog posts in a book style layout with a page flip navigation.

Notebook Page Flip


The imBookFlip plugin can load a book in an iframe or directly on the page. The book’s pages can be set to turn when manually clicked only, begin auto flip as soon as the page loads or begin auto flip when first page (front cover is clicked).



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