Introduction to deep learning based on Google's TensorFlow framework. These tutorials are direct ports of Newmu's Theano Tutorials.
- Simple Multiplication
- Linear Regression
- Logistic Regression
- Feedforward Neural Network (Multilayer Perceptron)
- Deep Feedforward Neural Network (Multilayer Perceptron with 2 Hidden Layers O.o)
- Convolutional Neural Network
- Denoising Autoencoder
- Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)
- Word2vec
- TensorBoard
- Save and restore net
- Generative Adversarial Network
- TensorFlow 1.0 alpha
- Numpy
- matplotlib
# TensorFlow-Tutorials
Introduction to deep learning based on Google's TensorFlow framework. These tutorials are direct ports of
Newmu's [Theano Tutorials](https://github.com/Newmu/Theano-Tutorials).
* [Simple Multiplication](00_multiply.py)
* [Linear Regression](01_linear_regression.py)
* [Logistic Regression](02_logistic_regression.py)
* [Feedforward Neural Network (Multilayer Perceptron)](03_net.py)
* [Deep Feedforward Neural Network (Multilayer Perceptron with 2 Hidden Layers O.o)](04_modern_net.py)
* [Convolutional Neural Network](05_convolutional_net.py)
* [Denoising Autoencoder](06_autoencoder.py)
* [Recurrent Neural Network (LSTM)](07_lstm.py)
* [Word2vec](08_word2vec.py)
* [TensorBoard](09_tensorboard.py)
* [Save and restore net](10_save_restore_net.py)
* [Generative Adversarial Network](11_gan.py)
* TensorFlow 1.0 alpha
* Numpy
* matplotlib
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