PyScript - Run Python in Your HTML
Run Python code in your HTML.
What is PyScript
PyScript is a Pythonic alternative to Scratch, JSFiddle, and other "easy to use" programming frameworks, with the goal of making the web a friendly, hackable place where anyone can author interesting and interactive applications.
To get started see the getting started tutorial.
For examples see the pyscript folder.
Longer Version
PyScript is a meta project that aims to combine multiple open technologies into a framework that allows users to create sophisticated browser applications with Python. It integrates seamlessly with the way the DOM works in the browser and allows users to add Python logic in a way that feels natural both to web and Python developers.
Try PyScript
To try PyScript, import the appropriate pyscript files to your html page with:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script defer src=""></script>
You can then use PyScript components in your html page. PyScript currently implements the following elements:
- <py-script>: can be used to define python code that is executable within the web page. The element itself is not rendered to the page and is only used to add logic
- <py-repl>: creates a REPL component that is rendered to the page as a code editor and allows users to write executable code
Check out the pyscriptjs/examples folder for more examples on how to use it, all you need to do is open them in Chrome.
How to Contribute
Read the contributing guide to learn about our development process, reporting bugs and improvements, creating issues and asking questions.
GitHub - pyscript/pyscript: Home Page: Examples:
Home Page: Examples: - GitHub - pyscript/pyscript: Home Page: Examples:
Anaconda Engineering Blog
Sat 30 April 2022 By Fabio Pliger - pandas One of the main reasons I joined Anaconda seven and a half years ago was the company’s commitment to the data science and Python communities by creating tools that enable people to do more with less. Today I'm h
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