VSCode Project Dashboardis a Visual Studio Code extension that lets you organize your projects in a speed-dial like manner. Pin your frequently visitedfolders,files, andSSH remotesonto a dashboard to access them quickly.
The Visual Studio Code Server is a service you can run on a remote development machine, like your desktop PC or a virtual machine (VM). It allows you to securely connect to that remote machine from anywhere through a local VS Code client, without the requirement of SSH.
Each of them can be configured with its own custom text and you can decide if the addon should attempt to split the name of the method according to its case.
Auto-complete doxygen commands
Config options
// The prefix that is used for each comment line except for first and last. "doxdocgen.c.commentPrefix": " * ",
// Smart text snippet for factory methods/functions. "doxdocgen.c.factoryMethodText": "Create a {name} object",
// The first line of the comment that gets generated. If empty it won't get generated at all. "doxdocgen.c.firstLine": "/**",
// Smart text snippet for getters. "doxdocgen.c.getterText": "Get the {name} object",
// The last line of the comment that gets generated. If empty it won't get generated at all. "doxdocgen.c.lastLine": " */",
// Smart text snippet for setters. "doxdocgen.c.setterText": "Set the {name} object",
// Doxygen comment trigger. This character sequence triggers generation of Doxygen comments. "doxdocgen.c.triggerSequence": "/**",
// Smart text snippet for constructors. "doxdocgen.cpp.ctorText": "Construct a new {name} object",
// Smart text snippet for destructors. "doxdocgen.cpp.dtorText": "Destroy the {name} object",
// The template of the template parameter Doxygen line(s) that are generated. If empty it won't get generated at all. "doxdocgen.cpp.tparamTemplate": "@tparam {param} ",
// File copyright documentation tag. Array of strings will be converted to one line per element. Can template {year}. "doxdocgen.file.copyrightTag": [ "@copyright Copyright (c) {year}" ],
// Additional file documentation. One tag per line will be added. Can template `{year}`, `{date}`, `{author}`, `{email}` and `{file}`. You have to specify the prefix. "doxdocgen.file.customTag": [],
// The order to use for the file comment. Values can be used multiple times. Valid values are shown in default setting. "doxdocgen.file.fileOrder": [ "file", "author", "brief", "version", "date", "empty", "copyright", "empty", "custom" ],
// The template for the file parameter in Doxygen. "doxdocgen.file.fileTemplate": "@file {name}",
// Version number for the file. "doxdocgen.file.versionTag": "@version 0.1",
// Set the e-mail address of the author. Replaces {email}. "doxdocgen.generic.authorEmail": "you@domain.com",
// Set the name of the author. Replaces {author}. "doxdocgen.generic.authorName": "your name",
// Set the style of the author tag and your name. Can template {author} and {email}. "doxdocgen.generic.authorTag": "@author {author} ({email})",
// If this is enabled a bool return value will be split into true and false return param. "doxdocgen.generic.boolReturnsTrueFalse": true,
// The template of the brief Doxygen line that is generated. If empty it won't get generated at all. "doxdocgen.generic.briefTemplate": "@brief {text}",
// The format to use for the date. "doxdocgen.generic.dateFormat": "YYYY-MM-DD",
// The template for the date parameter in Doxygen. "doxdocgen.generic.dateTemplate": "@date {date}",
// Decide if you want to get smart text for certain commands. "doxdocgen.generic.generateSmartText": true,
// Whether include type information at return. "doxdocgen.generic.includeTypeAtReturn": true,
// How many lines the plugin should look for to find the end of the declaration. Please be aware that setting this value too low could improve the speed of comment generation by a very slim margin but the plugin also may not correctly detect all declarations or definitions anymore. "doxdocgen.generic.linesToGet": 20,
// The order to use for the comment generation. Values can be used multiple times. Valid values are shown in default setting. "doxdocgen.generic.order": [ "brief", "empty", "tparam", "param", "return", "custom", "version", "author", "date", "copyright" ],
// Custom tags to be added to the generic order. One tag per line will be added. Can template `{year}`, `{date}`, `{author}`, `{email}` and `{file}`. You have to specify the prefix. "doxdocgen.generic.customTags": [],
// The template of the param Doxygen line(s) that are generated. If empty it won't get generated at all. "doxdocgen.generic.paramTemplate": "@param {param} ",
// The template of the return Doxygen line that is generated. If empty it won't get generated at all. "doxdocgen.generic.returnTemplate": "@return {type} ",
// Decide if the values put into {name} should be split according to their casing. "doxdocgen.generic.splitCasingSmartText": true,
// Array of keywords that should be removed from the input prior to parsing. "doxdocgen.generic.filteredKeywords": [],
// Substitute {author} with git config --get user.name. "doxdocgen.generic.useGitUserName": false,
// Substitute {email} with git config --get user.email. "doxdocgen.generic.useGitUserEmail": false
// Provide intellisense and snippet for doxygen commands "doxdocgen.generic.commandSuggestion": true
// Add `\\` in doxygen command suggestion for better readbility (need to enable commandSuggestion) "doxdocgen.generic.commandSuggestionAddPrefix": false
4. Interpreter 설정 F1키를 누른 후, python Select Interpreter 를 입력한다. 그 후 해당 항목을 클릭한다.
5. Interpreter 선택 선택하면 Interpreter 목록이 표시되는데, 앞서 생성한 venv가 표시되는 것을 확인할 수 있다.
6. 코드 파일 생성 예시 스크린샷에서처럼 코드파일( main.py )을 생성한 뒤, vscode에서 열면 스크린샷과 같이 "Linter pylint is not installed." 라는 메시지와 함께 pylint를 설치할 수 있도록 메시지 창이 표시된다. Install 버튼을 눌러 설치를 진행한다.
7. venv 터미널 확인 전 단계에서 Install 버튼을 누르면 새로운 python 터미널이 생성됨과 동시에 pylint 설치가 진행된다. 설치가 완료된 후, 별도의 activate 과정없이 해당 터미널에서 가상환경에 필요한 패키지를 설치하면 된다.
추가적으로, vscode를 다시 열면 가상환경이 잡히지 않은 터미널(cmd)이 열려 있게되지만, + 버튼을 누르면 생성되는 터미널은 가상환경으로 자동 설정된다.