
Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with this simple jQuery extension

CoverVid: HTML5 background videos

CoverVid is a simple jQuery extension that lets you use an HTML5 video as a cover-size background image on a website. It’s easy to use and scales to whatever the parent element is.



Make your HTML5 video behave like a background cover image with a simple jQuery extension. Very simple to use, just follow these few steps...

Drop the covervid.min.js file into your javascript folder and load it after jQuery.

<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="covervid.min.js"></script>

It is important to note that the video you target will use its' parent element to scale. With that in mind, we will create some simple markup and add some base styling to size the videos' parent/wrapper element.

<div class="covervid-wrapper">
    <video class="covervid-video" autoplay loop poster="img/video-fallback.png">
        <source src="videos/clouds.webm" type="video/webm">
        <source src="videos/clouds.mp4" type="video/mp4">
.covervid-wrapper {
    position: absolute;
    top: 0;
    left: 0;
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;

Now, we simply call the coverVid() function on the video element, passing through the native dimensions of the video.

$('.covervid-video').coverVid(1920, 1080);


Quintus: An HTML5 game engine

Framework - HTML5 - Javascript

Quintus is a simple and easy-to-learn JavaScript HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop games. It’s thoroughly documented, and there are plenty of demos and examples to check out.



Molecule: An HTML5 game framework

Molecule is an HTML5 game framework that’s lightweight, easy to use, and cross-platform compatible. It has no external dependencies and even includes its own basic but powerful physics engine.



Molecule - HTML5 Game Framework

This is the official repository for the Molecule HTML5 Game Framework. All documentation, features and examples can be seen on the official website: http://www.moleculejs.net






Dynamic HTML5 visualization



Envision.js: Create dynamic HTML5 visualizations





  • Modern Browsers, IE 6+
  • Mobile / Touch Support
  • Pre-built Templates
  • Adaptable to Existing Libraries


Envision.js ships with all it's dependencies. It uses:


To use Envision.js, include envision.min.js and envision.min.css in your page. To display a visualization, either use a Template or create a custom visualization with the Envision.js API.


Enables <video> and <audio> tags in all major browsers.





HTML5 video made easy

All it takes is a single line of code to make HTML5 video and audio tags work in all major browsers.

How to enable video and audio tags in all major browsers

To make HTML5 video and audio tags work in all major browsers, simply add the following line of code somewhere in the <head> of your document.

<script src="http://api.html5media.info/1.1.6/html5media.min.js"></script>

That's it! There is no second step!

How to embed video

You can embed video into your page using the following code.

<video src="video.mp4" width="320" height="200" controls preload></video>

For more information and troubleshooting, please visit the video wiki page.

How to embed audio

You can embed audio into your page using the following code.

<audio src="audio.mp3" controls preload></audio>

For more information and troubleshooting, please visit the audio wiki page.

Why use html5media?

HTML5 video and audio tags were designed to make embedding a video as easy as embedding an image. They were also designed to give users a faster experience by doing away with browser plugins such as Adobe Flash.

Unfortunately, older browsers don't support HTML5 video and audio tags, and even modern browsers don't support a consistent set of video codecs, making embedding a video rather difficult.

The html5media project makes embedding video or audio as easy as it was meant to be. It's a fire-and-forget solution, and doesn't require installing any files on your server. Unlike many other HTML5 video players, it allows people to use the video controls supplied by their own web browser. It's one of the smallest, fastest solutions available, and as browser technology improves it will become even faster.


For the best info on Ionic, check out our great documentation page!

Note: Ionic currently best supports iOS 6+. Android support is okay but not great, but we are working to make Android kick ass in the coming weeks, so please let us know if you run into Android issues!

What is Ionic?

Ionic is the open source HTML5 Mobile Framework for building amazing, cross-platform native apps with HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.

We built Ionic because we wanted a framework that focused on building hybrid native apps, rather than mobile websites. We wanted this framework to be obsessive about great design and performance. A framework that left the past behind and focused on the future where mobile devices could make HTML5 feel native.

It's important to realize that Ionic is not a replacement for frameworks used for building mobile web apps. There are a lot of great solutions that work well for websites, like jQuery Mobile.

Ionic is also not a good solution if you need to support older generation devices. Our compatibility starts at iOS 6 and Android 4.1. We will never support versions earlier than those. This is a framework for the future.

Ionic: A hybrid mobile app framework

Framework - HTML5 - Javascript/Added on November 24, 2013/Add to favorites

Ionic is a front-end framework for developing hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript. It’s fast, uses AngularJS, and it’s beautifully designed with a focus on Native features.



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