
Android example app with PhoneGap and JQM in Holo style




PhoneGap + JQuery Mobile + JQuery + energize.js


this example app is to have a some sort of a template to make a new app very fast, based on the technologies supplied by PhoneGap and jQuery Mobile, using web-technology.



  • Suitable for Android 2.3.3 and higher. API level 10 and up to be more technical :).
  • PhoneGap 2.7.0.
  • jQuery 1.9.1
  • jQuery Mobile 1.3.1
Plugins for jQuery Mobile:
  • Energize.js (to speed up the tap and click events in the app)
Plugins for PhoneGap:
  • Toast (to show android toasts)
  • Share (to send a share intent)
Features in this example app:
  • Holo theme. Dark, light with dark header and light with light header. The last one ain't very worked out yet, but it should give you a heads up start. The header features the same style as a native app including press effects.
  • Panel menu like the Google Plus app. Tap on title to open and tap outside panel menu to close. You can also swipe to left to close. Upon first boot the panel menu opens and closes for a brief second automatically, to demonstrate where the menu is. Panel menu content is defined only once, in the javascript.
  • Of course the use of the plugins Share and Toast.
  • Native Android like back-button behavior.
  • Supplied Gimp image files (xcf files) to easy edit the icons to your liking.
Notice: the Holo theme is almost like and very inspired by Holo for Android. It is not exactly the same for 100% as native.

    Screenshots of the interface



    Additional info


    You can download the package by clicking here. If you have any questions, please let me know!



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    Scaloid - Scaloid makes your Android code easy to understand and maintain.

     : https://github.com/pocorall/scaloid



    메이븐 작성 예제 프로젝트 - Simple proof-of-concept for an Android project using Scala and Maven

     : https://github.com/rohansingh/android-scala-test


    레이아웃 자동 변환기 - http://layout.scaloid.org/

     : https://github.com/pocorall/scaloid-layout-converter

    python으로 android phone에 웹서버 만들기


    Tutorial : http://code.google.com/p/android-scripting/wiki/Tutorials




    import SimpleHTTPServer
    from os import chdir






    실행하면 아래처럼 로그가 올라온다.

    그럼, 폰의 웹브라우저로 접속하면 아래와 같다.


     무선 AP에 접속 중이면 같은 망에 있는 다른 디바이스에서도 접근이 가능하도록 고유 IP를 찾아서 보자.

    shell로 접속해서 netcfg를 실행하면  "eth0"가 실행중인 것이 지금 실행중인 Lan정보이다.

    그 IP를 사용하면 된다.





    파이썬을 이용한 단어모음파일에서  무작위로 단어 프린트하기

    wordlist.txt : 단어모음 text 파일

    wordlist.py : 단어장 스크립트 파일


    Line.3 : getcwd()를 이용하여 알아낸 경로에 'sl4a'가 포함되어 있으면 경로를 지정해 주도록한다.

    Line.4 : 파일을 읽는다.

    Line.5 : 파일내용을 splitlines(위 이미지는 오타)로 한줄씩 분할한다.

                lambda 함수는 간단한 함수를 한줄로 줄여준다.

    Line.8 : 사용자의 입력을 무한반복으로 기다린다.








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