
jQuery 의 동적레이아웃 플러그인.

A dynamic layout plugin for jQuery
The flip-side of CSS floats.

Masonry is a dynamic grid layout plugin for jQuery. Think of it as the flip-side of CSS floats. Whereas floating arranges elements horizontally then vertically, Masonry arranges elements vertically, positioning each element in the next open spot in the grid. The result minimizes vertical gaps between elements of varying height, just like a mason fitting stones in a wall.



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Practice typing the awkward characters in code.

No drills — type through open source code in JavaScript, Ruby, C, C++, Java, PHP, Perl, Haskell, Scala, and more.
Eliminate the mistyped keys delaying every edit-compile-test iteration.

* 메인화면 - 구글 계정으로 로그인하기

* 로그인 하면 각 개발언어와 예제 소스가 버튼모양으로 선택을 기다리고 있다.

* jQuery 선택해서 들어간 후 열심히 타이핑 하면 된다. 빨간 화살표가 나오면 빽스페이스( <- )로 삭제한다. 

  다 입력하면 멋들어진 결과가 나오니 열심히 오타없이 빨리 입력해보기 바란다.


PHP: How to easily provide JSON and JSONP


Would you like to grab some server-side data through an AJAX call? For example by using the handy jQuery.ajax method?

A good data format to use then is JavaScript Object Notation, more commonly known as JSON. Providing data in the JSON format with PHP is super duper simple


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10개의 신선하고 유용한 jQuery 플러그인


There are many reasons why you can say jQuery has enormous popularity. Some might say it’s because of its excellent cross browser compatibility, while others will argue that the small footprint is responsible for jQuery’s widespread adoption. While these are valid points, no one can deny that all of the great plugins built by a very passionate community is a big reason as well. So for this post we’ve gathered some of the latest jQuery plugins to be released. In this list you will find some very useful ones that will help you with things like layout, typography, and more.

Jquery Transit

Super-smooth CSS3 transformations and transitions for jQuery — v0.1.3

jquery plugins


A jQuery plugin which slides a webpage over to reveal an additional interaction pane.

jquery plugins


Parallax has never been easier.

jquery plugins

Get turn.js

Is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine for HTML5.

jquery plugins

jQuery Scroll Path

jquery plugins
jquery plugins


Glisse.js is a simple, responsive and fully customizable jQuery photo viewer. You’ll like the transitions between two pictures entirely assumed by CSS3.

jquery plugins

The Wookmark jQuery plugin

The Wookmark plugin detects the size of the window and automatically organizes the boxes into columns. Resize your browser to see the layout adjust. Note how the columns are approximately of equal height.

jquery plugins


A jquery plugin for producing big, bold and responsive headlines.

jquery plugins


Making good-looking graphs shouldn’t be hard. Morris.js is a lightweight library that uses jQuery and Raphaël to make drawing time-series graphs easy.

jquery plugins


Position any element to any element, even if they are hidden

jquery plugins

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8 Beautiful New Free Fonts

15 High Quality PSD’s that You’ll Actually Use


Skeleton to WordPress: Getting up and Running


Skeleton to WordPress: Getting up and Running

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